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tv   KPIX 5 News at 11PM  CBS  January 27, 2019 11:00pm-11:30pm PST

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* * a san francisco state student killed in a hit-and-run crash. tonight, her family is seeking answers. that is next. now at 11 - just one year into we are here because the american dream and our american democracy are under attack and on the line like never before. >> now at 11, just one year into her job as senator, kamala harris announces her bid for
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the white house. a hit and run crash claims the life of a san francisco student. tonight, the search is on for her killer. >> the 24-year-old was on break when she was killed. we are live at san francisco state with what we are learning about the victim. >> reporter: the victim was a junior here at san francisco state. she was back in los angeles county visiting with family when she was killed. tonight, more than 100 people gathered to remember angelina. speak and she spent every moment she possibly could with her family and friends. she was beloved by everyone who knew her. >> reporter: the 21-year-old student was with her sister walking in a crosswalk leading a party when police say an suv killed her. driver kept going. >> last night, her life was tragically taken in a way that angelina did not deserve.
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>> reporter: they say she was about two years old when she lost her own father in the same way. her aunt and uncle adopted her as their own and raised her in rosemead. >> my baby sister had the most amazing soul. i would not be surprised if she wouldn't be here telling me to forgive that person. >> reporter: she recently worked as a resident assistant in a dorm. her family says she was studying sociology so she could help children. since tomorrow is the first day back to school since the break, her brother tells me she planned to catch the greyhound bus back to san francisco. >> it is very tragic i have had family members in the past, they have been in a hit-and-run and they don't know who it is. there just thinking, who killed my daughter or son. they are left with no answers.
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>> reporter: police are hoping the public will be on the lookout for a black audi q5. the family hopes the driver will turn himself in . >> please, we are just asking you to give our family the piece the deserve. to give her the peace she deserves. >> word is still just trickling in here in san francisco. down south you can feel the emotion on their faces and in their voices. that is angelina's cousin but she refers to her as her baby sister. the family is heartbroken tonight. reporting live, joe vasquez, kpix 5. tonight, two people are behind bars in connection with a brutal hit-and-run that left a 15-year-old boy fighting for his life. the woman is now being charged with assault with a deadly rep -- weapon, and reckless driving. police say he was dragged for
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four blocks. cell phone video showing a man and woman getting out of the car and then driving off. carlos suffered 30 broken bones, internal injuries and severe road rash. >> from a mother's point of view, i cannot stand how they left him laying there. i felt they left him there today . >> they had no regard for human life, especially a young child. that is heinous. truck today, his family held a fundraiser to help with medical bills. the woman is due in court on tuesday. baseball fans in san francisco are remembering peter mcallen. he died today at his home in pacific heights after a long battle with cancer. he saved the giants from leaving the bay area during some lean years. we are joint from the ballpark with his legacy. >> reporter: brian, when folks think about the giants they think about the stars.
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buster posey, bumgardner, but without peter mcallen, the giants most likely would not be in san francisco and this ballpark most likely would not exist, either. >> he deserved a lot of credit. he did not necessarily want to take a lot of credit. he wanted to share it with those who he felt were on his team. that is why people were willing to run through walls for him. >> reporter: a pioneer, a risk taker and a passionate giants fan. that is how fans remember peter mcallen. the former owner. >> he never gave up on san francisco as a home and the most appropriate home for the giants. >> reporter: for the former mayor, he credits him for saving the giants place in san francisco. >> i could not live with myself if i did nothing to try to keep the giants here. >> reporter: peter led a team of masters to buy the giants in the early 90s and stop the team from moving to florida. >> peter mcallen was the driving force. it wasn't that he was one of
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the driving forces. >> reporter: the former giants executive says peter was not going to let his beloved giants break his heart twice . >> when he was a kid in new york , the giants moved to san francisco in 1958. the dodgers also moved out to the west coast. all of a sudden, his favorite team and his favorite rival were on the west coast. he had no idea that he would actually wind up in san francisco and in the west coast and became a giants fan and then all of a sudden when the giants were about ready to leave again, and go to florida, he found a way to put a group together to keep the team here. >> reporter: after that, he worked on a new ballpark. >> he did things nobody thought could be done. if somebody had said 30 years ago that the giants would be playing in a ballpark like that, in san francisco, nobody would believe it. >> reporter: city leaders say none of the championships would've been possible without peter mcallen. peter has been fighting cancer for a while now.
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the giants organization says he was surrounded by his family this afternoon. peter mcallen was 76 years old. >> thank you. tonight, mayor london breed released this statement, i want to send my sympathies to the family and friends of peter mcallen. without his efforts we would not have experience the joy of three world series championships and list is at the ballpark kamala harris officially kicked off her run for the white house in downtown oakland. she laid out some specific goals. >> i am running to declare once and for all that healthcare is a fundamental right. and, we will deliver that right with medicare for all. >> on education, she called for univsal prand debt-free
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college. she says she will fund those initiatives by reversing the republican tax law. >> we will pay for it by reversing this administration's giveaways. >> reporter: today, she criticized president trump several times including his refusal to act on climate change , an estimated 20,000 people turned out to hear her speak. she will be in the state of iowa early tomorrow. >> she could have some interesting competition. howard schultz, a billionaire and a former ceo of starbucks says that he is seriously thinking of running for president, as well. he would run as an independent. he told 60 minutes that the politicians in both major parties are feeling the country. >> we are living at a most fragile time. not only the fact that this president is not qualified to be the president, but the fact that both parties are consistently not doing what is necessary on behalf of the american people and are engaged every single day in revenge
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politics. >> on some key issues, schultz has and document -- says undocumented immigrants should have a path to citizenship. >> tonight, police are investigating a sexual assault reported at stanford university. it happened thursday morning off escondido road near the campus dining commons. a man came up to the vic them, restrained her and started touching her. they also say the victim knew her assailant. the school sent out an alert to students, no word if anyone had been arrested. in antioch, people are in custody after trying to steal the tires off the car. several people were removing wills near westwood way last night. police tracked down the group and arrested them. two of the stolen wheels were found in the suspect's cars. authorities say they made a discovery yesterday morning. no foul play is suspected.
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is is the second body found in less than 12 hours. after 24-year-old man was found dead at the san leandro bart station. in the south bay, we have new video of a wreck that snarled traffic near a major san jose interchange. this box truck tipped over this afternoon just north of 101. no reports of any serious injuries but traffic was a mess for about 90 minutes. it was hazy over oakland today. it could be even hazy or tomorrow. the spare the air alert has been issued for monday. the 16th so far this winter. we have light winds, cold overnight temperatures and it is expected to be trapped close to the ground. in the meantime, as long as the high-pressure is a p on zynse xa wh we need to clear this out is a cold front coming through. that is just what's on the menu. we will cover that in the forecasted just a few minutes.
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taking a live look at the u.s. capitol, thousands of for load federal workers will return to their jobs tomorrow for the first time in 35 days. tonight, acting white house chief of staff nick mulvaney says resident trump is prepared to shut down the government again to get border security funding. democrats and republicans now have until february 15 to agree on government funding and negotiate bipartisan border wall security . >> i feel that by working with democrats and republicans we can make a truly great and secure deal happen for everyone. walls should not be controversial . >> i am very nervous because if we shut down again in three weeks we will be right back where we started. >> unpaid federal workers will receive back pay either early or late next week. >> coming off a wild standoff with police, it ends with home up in flames.
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a man suspected of shooting two cups is behind bars. >> there was someone running from the cops. it seemed like the logical thing to do. plus, a best buy security job -- security guard after tackling a thief.
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developing right now out of colorado. a suspect is in custody tonight after shooting 2 denver police office developing news from colorado, a suspect is in custody after shooting two denver police officers.
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he was arrested after a standoff with police in this home. the home caught fire during the incident. both officers are in the hospital and expected to be okay. a third officer was hurt in a crash while responding to the scene. tonight, a multistate manhunt is over with a man accused of killing five people in custody. he was arrested outside his grandmother's home in virginia more than 1000 miles from the alleged shooting spree. the 21-year-old committed five murders yesterday in the neighboring parishes. the victims include both of his parents, his girlfriend and two of her relatives. >> after speaking with the mother who was believed to be his girlfriend, there were no red flags. no sign of anything. we have no motive at this time. >> investigators say they wanted father was able to name his son is the suspect before he, the father, died.
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the young man now faces first- degree murder charges. >> tonight, a best buy security guard is without a job after helping officers take down a wanted man in placer county. take a look. surveillance video shows deputies chasing a suspect to the roseville shopping plaza. the suspect knocked down the deputy and that is when the former security guard steps into tackle the suspect. >> when they confronted him, the man punched one of the detect this and tried to run off. they said darted running toward me. i thought i was doing the right thing by helping the sheriff stop him. >> tyler, who did not work -- want to be on camera was let go from his job one week later. he says he has no hard feelings and is happy he helped put a criminal behind bars. best buy says, our policy is clear. employees are not to chase potential criminals outside the store.
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choosing an individual in the parking lot creates a safety risk that is not with taking regardless of how noble an employee's intention is. it is a story of heroism in southern california . >> deputies rush into a burning home and rescue a man who was asleep. >> reporter: intense flames ripped through the attic of this home in unincorporated santa ana. he slept inside . >> i jumped up and i could smell fire. let's get going. >> reporter: he is talking about the members of the orange county police department who ran toward danger early in the morning. medina got there first . >> i saw a car in the driveway so i ran up to the house. >> he checked the rooms as the house filled with smoke. it was his two partners who found the man. >> getting someone out when they are in danger is rewarding . >> he says there was no way the deputies could have known what they were walking to and they
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did it selflessly before the fire department arrived. >> i am really thankful that they took the risk to come down the hallway and wake me up and get me out of here. >> reporter: he says his home is equipped with smoke detectors but he believes because the flames were mostly in the attic the alarms did not sound off. in santa anna, kpix 5. hollywood is handing out more awards. tonight was the 25th screen actors guild awards honoring the best of the year. outstanding performance of the leading actress went to glenn close for her role in the wife. and, black panther for best en daughter was in the , too.
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>> wonderful movie. as we have high-pressure that's over the west coast and hazy sunshine for the area it will be hazy and mild again on monday. then there are changes coming in midweek. in the meantime, for late january, it is fairly warm. san francisco with 65. the numbers have doubled mostly into the 50s but 49 in santa rosa. same for livermore. here's what's happening. the coldest arctic plunge of the year. that cold air is steamrolling out of the northern climes where they have snow. the lowest temperatures they have had so far this season. out west, high-pressure will give way to a cut off flow. this will be spinning off shore. it is hard to know in wi in is maybe some light s turning by wednesy.
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we will have to stay tuned on that. we have more coming in on friday. in the meantime, a data time. tomorrow, the high clouds filter. in the east we get a little more sunshine. more clouds come in in advance of this cut off flow. tuesday looks like more clouds and then finally we get to wednesday. looking at the left-hand side of your screen, you can see that midday, there is a hint that rain is looking offshore. but if that stays offshore, we will not get any rain. this is what happened two weeks ago. ferrin chili overnight tonight. hazy and mild for monday and we have a chance of showers. that would not be a big deal one way or another. by midweek, by wednesday. california snow pack is looking up. it is above average so that is good news. heading out of sfo, the forecast is good. chicago has wind and snow and new york at 34. overnight lows for the bay area, mostly a s 50s tonight. the high clouds are keeping us
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fairly mild interest tomorrow morning as we all had back to work, 7:17 am. and, here's the forecast for tomorrow. the numbers will be mostly in the mid 60s. a little bit cooler but san francisco will sit at 62. santa clara 67 and in san jose 64. union city 65. over the east bay, walnut creek will hit 65. pleasant hill 66. in beautiful wasn't in, 66 degrees. up in the north bay, the number is nice. novato at 64, richmond at 64 and 64, the year of the beatles in sausalito, as well. in the extended forecast, monday and tuesday if you high clouds. the general feeling will be sunny. wednesday will increase clouds with a chance of rain, not much comes in on wednesday. then on friday, a more robust system comes in. not a huge storm or anything but a better chance for rain. it looks like sunday will be unsettled, as well.
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something for everybody this week including, juliet. >> beach cleanup with a twist. how volunteers are tracking trash to shame companies who manufactured it. plus, it is the future of transportation. tonight, plans for a jetsons style flying car. the patriots and rams have touched down in atlanta. we will go to the super bowl city for the latest. vern glenn system with the parents of jared goff. >> you have two kids who are grown-up 50 miles per him each other and they are playing each other in the super bowl . >> a look back and a look ahead coming up next on game day.
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today cleaning up san francisco's baker beach. but the clean up- came with a twist. there is one, golden gate bridge. hundreds of volunteers spent the day cleaning up baker beach. they came up with a twist. rather than focusing on the people who left the garbage, the effort focused on those who manufactured it. within 200 people showed up searching for even the smallest pieces of trash. groups recorded the debris to
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hold companies responsible . >> we are continuing to gather data on the major producers so we can go back to them and say these are the amounts we are finding. what can we do to help you find solutions? organizers say the biggest culprits of litter are cigarette butts which are toxic to fish. their goal is to end cigarette discarding as the last socially acceptable form of littering. >> a jetsons style sky port for flying cars is nearing completion atop a florida skyscraper. the only thing missing are the flying cars. a futuristic port sits on the 60th floor of the paramount miami world center. the takeoff and landing pad doubles as a swimming pool so it can be used for something. now they are working to fill it with high-end housing. >> ever since the jetsons came out, america has been talking about flying cars. we looked at our rooftop and said, what an opportunity to
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convert our sky deck into some type of jetson sky port where you can actually land passenger drones. this technology exists today. >> so far, there are no actual flying cars to land there, but developers are confident just like the jetsons were that they are coming. >> still to come, excitement is growing tonight as the rams and patriots arrive in atlanta one week before the super bowl. [music playing] (sashimi) psst. hey, you!
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the one with the designer dog collar. wondering how i upgraded to this sweet pad?
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a 1,200-square-foot bathroom, and my very own spa. all i had to do was give my human "the look". with wells fargo's 3% down payment on a fixed-rate loan and a simpler online application, getting into my dream home was easier than ever. get your human to visit what would she do without me? and tonight both teams arrived in atlanta for the big game. the los angeles rams walked off
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the plane after a huge send off from their fans. they will face the new england patriots the super bowl is less than a week away. tonight, both teams arrived in atlanta for the big game. the los angeles rams walk off the plane after a huge sendoff from their fans. they will face the new england patriots on sunday. the patriots have arrived at their hotel. the super bowl will be played at the mercedes-benz stadium in atlanta for the first time. but, this is the third time the city has hosted the game. the stadium opened two years ago and holds the record for the world's largest halo video board. it has a retractable roof. >> you can't watch the super bowl without the commercials. tonight, budweiser has released its newest ad featuring a california dog. >> how many roads must a man walk down -- >> meet the dog from santa barbara county. she is the star dalmatian and budweiser's latest commercial. the pup is seen riding in the
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back of a carriage pulled by the iconic clydesdale horses. her breeder got the call for the commercial shoot a few moments back. >> they have a wind machine to get the effect. they liked the way they like -- the way her ears blue in the wind. it fit into whatever idea they had about showing off the fact that they are now using wind power to make budweiser. >> phoebe and another pup were picked out of a letter of 17. kpix is your home for super bowl liii. the big game kicks off one week from today at 3:30. i still think of those but wiser -- budweiser -- you know those.


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